Look mom I'm friends with Lauren. On top of a Hostel. |
At the shop with our nice outfits. |
The Tomb Garden. Andrea, Katelyn, Lauren |
View on top of the Hostle |
Well lets start with evening of day 2. I was planning on heading to bed early because I was exhausted, but of course that didn't happen. I ended up staying up until midnight. We had a little get to know you time in the gym, but it was nearly pointless because we all already knew eachother. Then I played games with a bunch of people in the lounge. We played a few card games one of them being called BANG! There were probably twelve of us playing, with it being the first time for most of us. We only played it once, in about two hours. It took forever. Mainly just because none of us knew how to play it and needed a lot of help on every turn. At one point I haden't even had a turn for nearly half of an hour. But in the end I won. I killed the sherrif. So it was all worth it. Oh ya we also got our ID cards and cell phones at dinner. Which will be fantastic, the cell phones have a alarm clock. Which will prove to be quite helpful to me.
Okay now onto day 3. Up at seven, breakfast at eight. Then to the vans. We drove over to the Isreal Museum. And spent the next few hours there. We had four pages worth of artifacts that we had to find and mark off, but the entire museum was great. We even got to see a few of the dead sea scrolls. We were alotted quite a few hours there, but it wasn't enough to see everything. And it is free for us to get back in, so we will defenetly be going back there on our own time. Because it was really fun...and we have to write a four page assignment about it and I need some notes. We then sat out in the shaded area of the parking lot and ate our sack lunches that we had made at breakfast. I had a egg salad pita sandwich, plum, candy bar, oh and of course some of my two liter water bottle. Then back in the vans. We headed over to the Garden Tomb. We had walked by it on our tour the day before, but it wasn't what I was expecting. The city is really loud and crazy all around it and then you walk through the walls and it seems like you are in a completely different place. Our tour guide was great, even though he is not the same religion as us. He told us all that even though we all have our different beliefs and ideas that we are all the same and are seen the same by God. It was really cool that he didn't push on us about what his own beliefs were. He toured us around there for about an hour and then we got our first free time in the Old City. Okay well we actually tried to walk over last night, but the security guy told us we only had fifteen minutes until sundown and had to be back by then. So we made it down the valley and then back up. Anyways our first real free time, we split into groups. There were six in mine. Katelyn, Andrea, Adam, Lauren, Whitney, and myself. Adam was actually pretty irritating the entire time. I feel almost bad saying this, but I hated that he was bossing us around and telling us what to do and how to act. I personally feel that we are all responsible adults and don't need to be told what to do by another student. So that was uber irritating to me. But the other four girls in my group are fantastic. We had a great day. We walked over to this hostel that we went by on our tour and went to the roof, which had a great view. We also went to the Holy Sepulchre and the John the Baptist church. I loved walking around them both and just exploring. The Old City is full of little allyways where the shops are. It was fun having the shop keepers all try to get our business. In one little shop he was the self proclaimed BYU sales man. He was great. He had us all try on these full dress/robes things and took pictures of us. One benefit of having Adam with us was that he had a map and lead us back to the center. Which was a nice 45 minute walk back, uphill both ways. No joke it is all uphill. We were nice and sweaty when we got back. And guess who was there? 17 new students! They had just gotten picked up from the airport. I got another roommate, Desiree. She is really nice too. Then the rest of the night I studied. Okay just kidding, I read the first sentence of our assignment about ten times. And that was the end of my studying. Then to bed I went.
Okay so I wrote this really fast and I know that a lot of it sounds like I don't English good. Ha and I don't feel like reading over it and fixing the problems so sorry:)
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