Wednesday. October the 19th.
This morning I got up super early to go to the Western Wall before class started. We were ready to leave at 5:45 but security was being lame and didn't let us leave until 6. But we still got to go. Today was the last day of Sukkot so thousands of Jew's go to the Western Wall and celebrate it by womping willow branches on the ground. It is sorta like a rain chant, the purpose is to welcome the rain season. It was one of my favorite things I've done. I think I've just decided that I love the Western Wall. Remember when we went to the wall on a Friday night when they welcomed Shabbat? I loved that too. After we were there for about forty-five minutes we walked back to the center with plenty of time to spare before class started. We had two long hours of OT and Ludlow's class. After lunch we had a sort of mini field trip. Danny Seideman, a prominent journalist, came and talked to us about the separation wall for about half an hour. We then went to three different sites and further discussed the effects of the wall. After dinner I went to choir practice. I have been singing soprano every time I’ve gone, against my better judgment. Therefore today I switched to alto, which I am much better at. It’s just not as fun of a part in some of the songs. After choir ended I changed and went straight to Tarike’s (okay I have no idears how to spell his name, it’s the security guy) workout class. A nice little workout, after that I cycled with Leslie, Kaitlyn, and Katie. By that time it was like eleven, way later than I thought. So I went straight to bed.
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